Lets Encrypt fails to generate SSL Print

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If Let's Encypt fails to generate the SSLs for the domains:

  1. Firstly, Check that they aren't having a maintenance break: https://letsencrypt.status.io
  2. Disable the LetsEncrypt plugin and re-enable it, maybe even restart the server.
  3. Are the name servers for the domains pointing to the InterWorx server, if they aren't they will not generate a SSL.
  4. Check if the permissions are correct:

    cd /var/log/
    ls -al

    See if the permissions on "letsencrypt" match the other folders.

  5. Check if the cron file is correct:
    cd /home/interworx/include/Cron/
    ls -al

See if there's a file called "RenewLetsEncryptCerts.php", that's incorrect it must be a small e like so: "RenewLetsencryptCerts.php" to do that run: mv RenewLetsencryptCerts.php RenewLetsEncryptCerts.php

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