I got this error "cannot set date" Help! Print

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The error:

InterWorx License Error:

Validating license information... /bin/date: cannot set date: Operation not permitted.
/bin/date: cannot set date: Operation not permitted

The clock skew between this machine and the license server is too great. Please confirm that the date and time are set correctly.
License validation failed.

The fix:

The resolution to this InterWorx license validation issue is quite simple. Please follow the step-by-step guideline outlined below, in order to resolve this issue:

Dedicated Server:

Login to your Hardware Node and run the following command: nano /etc/sysconfig/clock
Locate and confirm the following line is set: UTC=true If the line is missing, please add it. Additionally, set the zone to be: ZONE="UTC"
Save the configuration changes, you’ve just made.

Virtual Servers & Dedicated Servers:

Please run the following command: ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime

Then, please run the following command: yum install ntp
Finally, update the time by doing: ntpdate time.apple.com

If that doesn't work try:

service ntpd stop
ntpdate ntp.interworx.com
service ntpd start

PS, this only works on non OpenVZ, for OpenVZ please contact your provider, if they don't wish to fix this relocate.

If you own the OpenVZ node, you can use the following commands to fix it:

vzctl stop VEID
vzctl set VEID --capability sys_time:on --save
vzctl restart VEID

Thanks to Mohammad a client of ours for the above OpenVZ fix.

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