
How can I add more currencies Paypal accepts? Go to: /components/gateways/nonmerchant/paypal_payments_standard/paypal_payments_standard.php... How can I change the row per page limit. If you wish to change the limit of rows per page on the Client area widget box you can do so by... How can I display more than one order forms? Please check out Daniel's post tutorial:... How can I display prices on my website? Firstly you need to download the Blesta API, and upload them to your Blesta installation:... How can I find out the tags I can use in a email? Save {% debug %} in the template and then test the email you will get a copy of every tag you... How can I force SSL? In your Blesta .htaccess comment out the following: #RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on #RewriteRule ^... How can I get a direct URL to a package? To get a direct URL to a package for your website, so your customers don't need to go to your... How can I only allow registered users to order? Go to: And add the following: plugins/order/controllers/main.php // Set the client info if... How can I remove the images in tickets? Client Side: You can by editing this file:... How can I run the cron manually? You can get your cron key... How can I send the customer ticket information? If you wish to include some information about the ticket in the update emails here's how you do... How can I set-up a registration form? So you would like to set-up a registration form so your clients can register without placing an... How can I set-up configuration options? We will add a proper tutorial soon, but we've made a video here which will help you:... How can I set-up the Plesk cron? You need to use this as a root user: php... How can I shorten urls for orders? You can shorten the order urls by following this tutorial from Cody:... How do I add a new orderform template? You upload the files/folder to this folder location: /plugins/order/views/templates. How do I enable errors on password reset? If you wish to enable errors when the username / email address is incorrect you can enable it by... How to cancel a service on Blesta? We've made a small video to help you cancel or schedule cancellation for a service / product in... How to change all the emails from subdomains? If you have installed Blesta on a subdomain and you get but you want... How to change the renewal date? We've made a small video to help you change a renewal date on a service / product in Blesta, it's... How to disable Credit Cards. Settings > Company > Billing / Payment > Accepted Payments Type and un-tick both boxes... How to disable errors? Open: /config/core.php Find: Configure::set("System.debug", true); and change it to false. And... How to get a login form for my website? Go to: /config/blesta.php Find: Configure::set("Blesta.csrf_bypass", array()); replace it with:... How to remove credit on a invoice? We've made a small video to help you remove credit from an invoice, it's pretty easy so you'll... How to set-up Addon companies on InterWorx To set-up Addon companies on InterWorx you need to make a secondary domain (can probably use... How to set-up a SSL with HAProxy? Please follow a cool tut from Barryf on the Blesta forums here:... How to set-up a database for Blesta via SSH? Log into MySQL / MariaDB with mysql or if you have set a root password: mysql -u root -u CREATE... How to set-up a root MySQL password? Enter MySQL: mysqlSet a Password for root: SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' =... Set-up a cron without a control panel? If you are setting up a cron job without a control panel you need to put the code in the crontab:...
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